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Shovelhead motorcycle

ShortChop Shovelhead Bobber


You might know ShortChop from this board, but you may not have seen his bike. Bursting with details, his cone shovel is no cookie cutter, but a hand-built deathtrap. We cornered ShortChop on a recent weekend and grabbed some details and photos.

ShortChop shovelhead
Owner: Neto AKA short chop 
Location: Las Vegas 
Engine:88" 76 Shovel 
Frame: 52 HD Wishbone rigid 
Trans: 1972 with a Hurst Jockey shift 
Fork: I was told it was a 66 stock harley wide glide with 2 under tubes. But my tripple trees have 3 1/2 riser space that would make the trees 1949-1959. So I dont Know Mix and match I guess.Oh ya Sexy shaved legs 
Chassis mods: Nipped and Tucked 
Tire/wheel size and style: Front 21" Akront high ridge wrap with avon tire. Rear 16" Borrani high ridge wrap in a Shinco dbl white wall. Star hubs front and rear. 
Tank-Frisco sporty 
Fender-1936 Ford.Spare. 
Paint: French Kiss Kustoms 
Bars: Speacial 79's his old bars off his Shovel. 
Oil tank: Paugho with side filter 
Air Cleaner: Chopper Daves 
Headlight: King Bee Fog Light 
Seat: Bates 
Doodads: Nice Mids 
Favorite thing about this bike: Its purty. But dont let Looks fool u ask anyone in Vegas its known for tearin up the Vegas Streets. 
Next modification will be: Sissy Bar and some High up pipes 
Thanks to:Builder-Sinners-Inc, And Metal Fab Bung King 
Bought this chop from Victor owner of sinners inc. It was his pride and joy- his hard work his Ideas dont want to steal his tunder and glory. I have done some minor changes but the bike is the same. I just wrench on it myself and ride the crap out of it!

I bought this chop from Victor owner of Sinners inc. It was his pride and joy- his hard work his Ideas dont want to steal his thunder and glory. I have done some minor changes but the bike is the same. I just wrench on it myself and ride the crap out of it! 

Owner: Short Chop 
Location: Las Vegas 
Engine: 88" 76 Shovel 
Frame: 52 HD Wishbone rigid 
Trans: 1972 with a Hurst Jockey shift 
Fork: I was told it was a 66 stock harley wide glide with 2 under tubes. But my triple trees have 3 1/2 riser space that would make the trees 1949-1959. So I dont Know Mix and match I guess. Oh ya Sexy shaved legs 
Chassis mods: Nipped and Tucked

Motorcycle front wheel
Motorcycle handle bars

Tire/wheel size and style: Front 21" Akront high ridge wrap with avon tire. Rear 16" Borrani high ridge wrap in a Shinco dbl white wall. Star hubs front and rear. 
Tank: Frisco sporty 
Fender: 1936 Ford.Spare. 
Paint: French Kiss Kustoms 
Bars: Speacial 79's his old bars off his Shovel. 
Oil tank: Paughco with side filter 
Air Cleaner: Chopper Daves 
Headlight: King Bee Fog Light 
Seat: Bates 
Doodads: Nice Mids 

Assorted motorcycle parts
Shovelhead motorcycle side angle
Motorcycle exhaust pipes
Shovelhead motorcycle rear

Favorite thing about this bike: Its purty. But dont let Looks fool u ask anyone in Vegas its known for tearin up the Vegas Streets. 
Next modification will be: Sissy Bar and some High up pipes 
Thanks to: Builder-Sinners-Inc, And Metal Fab Bung King 

Motorcycle rear tire

Click the image above for a big fat desktop background-sized pic

Previous article Chris Huber's 1958 Panhead