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Black Panhead Bike

Chris Huber's 1958 Panhead


Chris Huber has had a few motorcycles. From his period survivor Triumph chop we featured last year to the mile-munching KTM adventure bike he rode last summer, the dude likes two-wheeled motivation. His current stable includes two black beauties: this fine old panhead and a mostly stock Dyna. Nice combo by any standard. The only hole in the collection is a proper chopper, but give old Huber a couple months and he'll pull one out.

With a Dyna on tap one might think Chris would baby his '58 and use the modern machine for trips outside the Orange Curtain. That assumption would be a mistake as this old machine gets hammered all over and while certainly not as quick as his SOA Special, it more than holds its own.

Chris with black panhead bike

Owner: Chris Huber

Location: Old Town Orange 

Engine, year and make, model, modifications: 1958 panhead FLH first year Duo-Glide. Stroked to 84 inch with an Andrews A cam and S&S super E carb

Frame: 58 DuoGlide Step Down

Fork: HydraGlide

Chassis mods:  Jesus (or some guy in Milwaukee) built this bike correctly in 1958 and all I had to do was take off or rebuild the horrible things methamphetamine and the '90s did to her

Favorite thing about this bike: It's a BLACK PANHEAD WITH A STROKED MOTOR

Black panhead bike

Other mods, accessories, cool parts, etc: Converted to 12-volt Spike generator.  I just always liked the look of a stock early swing arm panhead. Don't get me wrong, I love Shompers and Blobbers but I like the lines on this thing just the way someone engineered them in '58

Panhead handlebars
Panhead bike chain
Black panhead bike close up
Harley logo on black panhead
Bike seat
Panhead exhaust piping
Panhead engine

Grammy Speech: Big thanks to Duane Ballard for my ripping seat and to Shawn Britton for making me my sweet saddlebags for the long hauls. I'd also like to thank Slash for playing all the guitar solos and titties 'n beer. Without them this album never would have come out. Thank you to all my fellow bike enthusiasts


Previous article Scotty Stopnik and the Cycle Zombies 1964 Panhead