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Panhead motorcycle

Tyler Guidry's 1963 Panhead Chopper

 Tyler Guidry has been a loyal ChopCult member since 2013. He first started selling his brand, Tough Luck, through the classified section back in the day. His design work is spot-on, and his apparel line is quality made. Over the years, many companies have commissioned Tyler for help with their shirt designs. His downtime is spent mostly with his wife Leslie and their beautiful daughter Virginia, as well as kicking back with his brother Trey. When he’s not spending quality time with them, you can find him shredding the streets of Columbus, Ohio on this sweet machine. I hope you enjoy Orange CruShit as much as I do.-Lisa


Photos by Tyler Guidry

Panhead motorcycle a side
Panhead motorcycle engine
Panhead motorcycle handlebars
Panhead motorcycle exhaust pipes

Owner name, location: Tyler Guidry Columbus, Oh

Chop Cult Member profile: tylerguid

Panhead motorcycle b side

Engine, year and make, model, modifications: 1963 Harley Davidson panhead

Frame: 1948 panhead wishbone

Fork: 2” inline springer

Panhead motorcycle engine b side

Chassis mods: Molded frame, molded tank

Tire/wheel size and style: 18” rear with juice drum brake, 21” star hub front

Favorite thing about this bike: The subtle circle molding around the gas cap I did, as well as the paint

Next modification will be: Mechanical front drum brake

Panhead motorcycle gas tank

Other mods, accessories, cool parts, etc: Custom seat pan, lemon riser bushings, swapmeet mudflap

Any building or riding story or info you'd like to include: just a really fun, smaller sized Harley ripper. My favorite bike I’ve built to date; super comfortable, and gets me where I need to go.

Panhead motorcycle seat

Thanks to all the guys I share a shop space with for keeping me motivated. Everyone who gives me compliments on the bike and tells me it inspires them. And of course Lisa at ChopCult for always supporting myself and the chopper/bike community that I love.-Tyler

Tough Luck: Website / @teamtoughluck

Instagram: @tylerguid

Previous article Chris Huber's 1958 Panhead