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Blue motorcycle

Hank Doss' Glitterbug Ironhead Sportster Chopper

Blue motorcycle a side

From the moment I saw this bike sitting in the park, I knew I wanted to photograph it. She has this long, lean look to her that is so reminiscent of the 70’s style chopper and it just catches your eye. It’s always such a pleasant surprise to see custom choppers shooting down the highways and bi-ways of Southeast Arizona. During the show, I wandered back and forth past the bike several times and knew I had to set up a session. A mutual friend put me in touch with the owner, Hank Doss, and that was that. We had some difficulty in getting our hectic schedules to align, and when we finally did, it rained non-stop the entire time. We took a few shots during a break in the weather but wound up under the eaves of an abandoned and unappealing gas station. However, it was well worth the wait and working in the drenching rain to finally photograph Glitterbug in all her glory. Hank and his wife Rhonda are great people, and it was a pleasure to spend time with them while we worked.


Random Pro Tip: if you have to photograph a bike in the rain, make sure you have plenty of plastic bags to cover your light heads and gear! -Jennifer


Photos by Jennifer Farris

Blue motorcycle b side tank
Blue motorcycle b side

Owner name, location: Hank Doss, Sierra Vista, AZ

ChopCult Member profile: hdoss

Bike name: Glitterbug

Blue motorcycle engine

Engine, year and make, model, modifications: 1969 XLCH

Frame: Arlen Ness Lowrider, fabricated by the late, great Jim Davis.

Fork: 12” over AEE Springer

Blue motorcycle front tire

Chassis mods: 45* Gooseneck

Tire/wheel size and style: 19” mini drum front, stock 16” rear

Blue motorcycle rear tire
Blue motorcycle tail light and tire
Blue motorcycle rear tire b side

Favorite thing about this bike: True, period-correct 60’s/70’s style vintage chopper

Blue motorcycle gas tank

Other mods, accessories, cool parts, etc.: Retro metal flake paint and powdercoat

Any building or riding story or info you'd like to include: The frame is the first frame I ever owned, built a bike 20 years ago. Finally feel like I did the frame justice.

Thanks to my wife Rhonda, Jennifer Farris for pictures, and @bornintheusa101 for paint on the tank. -Hank

Blue motorcycle b side

Article and photos by Jennifer Farris / @jenniferfarrisphotography

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