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Panhead motorcycle

Daril Borba's 1949 Panhead Chopper

Daril Borba nearly killed himself while building this bike. Seriously, when I walked up to the man at the People’s Champ 4 Party where he was putting the final touches of his entry together, I barely recognized him. He had dropped what looked like 30+ lbs. I said to him “looking fit man!” He looked at me with a hard stare and said, “I got fucking diverticulitis and I almost died.” “Well the bike looks good!” I responded. That’s probably what he wanted to hear at that point. It wasn’t a pity party; it was hard work, grueling. Stress induced diverticulitis as a byproduct of spending every waking hour of free time working towards his goal of winning the Show Class People’s Champ honors; now that’s commitment to a vision.

Panhead motorcycle A side

On top of working 10 hour shifts 300 miles from home meant there was little time left for family during the lead up to the People’s Champ Party. From his home garage, Daril cannibalized and sold off tons of parts from his personal chop in order to build a showstopper. Utilizing local talents in Hanford, California, Daril got help with the frame from Dalton Walker, engine work from Jeff Montgomery, immaculate paint by Richie Vipham, and Marco Agabastian lent an extra set of hands for turning wrenches.

Panhead motorcycle top view

After months of sleepless weekends, Daril’s bike made it to Cook’s Corner on the eve of Born Free 8. After the final wipe of micro fiber cloth had been spent the bike was at the mercy of the people. In the end the hard work and sacrifice had paid off with the win, as Show Class’s People’s Champ 4. -Loughridge

Daril Borbal with panhead motorcycle

Owner name, location: Daril Borba, Hanford, CA

Chop Cult Member profile: MulberrySt

Bike name: Snail Trail

Panhead motorcycle rear tire view

Engine/tranny, year and make, model, modifications: 1949 93" Panhead

Frame/Rake: Straightleg Panhead

Front End: MulberrySt

Panhead motorcycle engine

Chassis Mods: I cut off the front section and took it to my good friend SIK Dalton, who helped me get the stance I was looking for. The gas tank was one I'd found on the wall of my friend’s tattoo shop. I took it home and cut it in half, took out a little here and there, then completely molded it to the frame. Everything else was finished and painted by another friend of mine, Richie Vipham in his backyard!

Panhead motorcycle handlebars

Tire/wheel size and style: Front 17", Rear 15" American Racing 12-spoke

Favorite thing about this bike: I really can't decide on a favorite piece or part on my bike. I'm very happy with how everything turned out. I can't wait to get started on another.

Next modification will be: Maybe a 6-pack rack

Panhead motorcycle tank and handlebars

Any building or riding story or info you'd like to include: All I can say about building this bike is it was a hell of a ride and if you’re going to enter the People's Champ competition at Cook’s Corner you'd better be ready!!

Thanks to: First, I want to thank my wife first off for all her support and letting me chase my dreams. Second, is Dalton Walker, who helped me with a couple key parts on this build and is one of the reasons I'm where I'm at today! Jeff Montgomery for teaching me the ways of the chopper and how to keep these old bikes on the road, and Uncle Paul (Shack Cycles) for my killer seat. I don't think I would have won the show without my friend/painter Richie. He absolutely killed it on this thing. Last but certainly not least is Marco Agabastian aka Bubbie or Bub as my kids call him. He stayed with me ‘til the end and supported me through the whole build. Thanks for everything Bub! Thanks to the boys at Show Class and Born-Free for everything and letting us be a part of their show! -Daril

Panhead motorcycle on kickstand

Be sure to grab the latest issue of Show Case Magazine to see this fine machine, ALL of the 6-pack of People's Champ FINALISTS' builds and more!


Article and photos by Ryan Loughridge / @_loughridge_

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